Certified Tai Chi Gung Instructor, Reiki Master, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach

Welcome to Circle of Chi!
We're really excited that you have found the Circle of Chi and Tai Chi Gung. Just below are the live classes in Johnson City and Greenville, TN. You can learn more about your Teacher here too!
Does Tai Chi Gung Really Work?
Well, it's been working for thousands of people in our community in more than 30 countries all over the world right now. And Tai Chi Gung has been shared in an unbroken lineage more than 3,000 years, so it's stood the test of time.
Even so, in the end, it matters most that it works for you and that it's a good fit for you in your life!
Circle Of Chi Special Coaching Packages
The Foundation Of Your Wellness By Supporting Your Health Into Longevity While You Support Your Wellness ~ A % Is Donated to Support the Lamasery
Prioritizing your well-being begins with acknowledging that there's room for improvement with your food and lifestyle choices
Click Here For COC Coaching OpportunitiesClass Schedule
LifeLight Chiropractic
Wednesdays, 5:30-6:30 PM
207 W Unaka Ave. Johnson City, TN
To register, please send an email to:
To try Tai Chi Gung by video, click the button below to access a free trial of any level membership.
Use code SHABDSANGEET at checkout and get 50% off your first month!
See Our Memberships
Meet Your Teacher
ShabdSangeet: Certified Tai Chi Gung Instructor, Reiki Master/Teacher, Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach teaching "We're already doing yoga with our choices - let's make them consciously to have our best life", Focalizing Coach, Kundalini Yoga Instructor, Flower Essence Co-creator.
ShabdSangeet's relationship with nature unfurled from within from an early age. She's been drawn into an ever-deepening relationship with nature life long; Spirit in Nature is a guiding force in her life.
Her intimate relationship with Nature, curiosity, and, sense of wonder flowed abundantly as she blossomed to become a Botanist, Artist, Orchid enthusiast, Orchid Flower Essence Producer, which then naturally flowed into modalities of energy medicine. She's always had the heart of a healer; wanting to help others heal, body, mind, and spirit while sharing inspiration, and uplifting possibilities.
"Do I do the dance of the Tao, or does it dance through me? I am continually learning how to flow with the Chi, the Life Force of Creation. As I move with Tai Chi Gung exercises, I invite the flow of Chi in on the breath.
I am so happy to finally meet and learn from Master Lama Rasaji, and Master David, with the Circle of Chi from the Lamasery in Tibet in this 3,300 year unbroken lineage! I appreciate how Master Lama Rasaji doesn't hold back when he speaks his truth, it is so refreshing.
I felt the energy/Chi right away with my first class, I knew, this is it, this is what I had been waiting for my whole life! This spiritual technology is as profound and life-changing as it is simple. I am grateful to be one of the first certified teachers with the Circle of Chi. I love sharing Tai Chi Gung with people because they are so happy to gain the benefits."
- ShabdSangeet Khalsa
Can I Join a Class Anytime?
Lao Tzu created a series of warm ups and 4 basic Standing Exercises that are the core of every class. These are simple moving and breathing exercises that help students feel the life energy of Nature directly. Almost 90% of students feel it in their very first class.
Whether you have been studying 6 minutes, 6 months or 6 years, you do the simple movements you learned in your very first class. They serve as an outline, and each student connects in their own way.
Because we don't hold back exercises, and they remain consistent, new students can join a live class any time. You'll feel right at home!
What Should I Wear?
Comfortable street clothes are fine. The class is done standing up, and it's so gentle you won't break a sweat!

Have Any Questions? Call Me!
I'm so excited that you're here!
If you have any questions about the classes, or about Tai Chi Gung, I'm happy to answer them.
You can call me at: 207-322-8693
Or send an email to: [email protected]
I'll return your call as soon as I'm able to. In case you missed it above, we've found that the quickest way to figure out if you like Tai Chi Gung is to take a live class.
Your first class is free!
You're welcome to join us anytime. We look forward to meeting you!
ShabdSangeet Khalsa
Join Us!
When you use this link to join ANY Circle of Chi membership level, you'll get your first week free! Also, use code SHABDSANGEET at checkout and get 50% Off your first month subscription!
See Our MembershipsAlign Your Aura
Discover Our Tai Chi Gung Essentials! Every item in our store is chosen to enhance your practice. Your support keeps the Circle of Chi strong!